
After a busy, intense day in the amazing city of Vienna, I hiked up to a quiet place in this nearby quaint little town in Austria, and there they were...the Swiss Alps. My chest grew tight and my heart hit the ground as the awe overcame my very being. In this moment, I embraced the truth of this beauty, and allowed myself to live into the reality that this beauty was deeper than I could fathom, and the same Creator that made the Alps, created me. It was overwhelming.

Then, some other thoughts and emotions were setting in.

It was a piece of whiplash, as I went from a state of awe to a state of sadness and longing.

I began to realize, nobody around me knew me.
I was around a bunch of strangers.
These strangers didn't know my name, my story, my dreams, ambitions, accomplishments, anything.

Deep within me, I wanted to be known by the humans around me. I wanted to be heard. I wanted for someone to be curious about my heart. I wanted to be wholly embraced.

Then, in more recent days, the death of yet another celebrity was broadcasted as, "Bourdain, 'regularly suicidal".

Suicide is probably the thing that breaks my heart the most in this world. Suicide is a sign of a systemic letdown, whether it be a lack of resources readily available, a negative stigma leading to shame about asking for help, poor facilities, or just simply going throughout our days without noticing another person as more than just a, "Hey, how are you?"

But, that's a blog post for another day, perhaps...Or a conversation over coffee.

I learned as I travelled internationally, in our innermost being, we need to be known by another.
We are people of intimacy, created by the most intimate, for the greatest holistic intimacy.

I dare you guys to ask someone, "How are you really doing?", and if I can, I dare you to be open as well. Honor the intricate workings of your very being by loving, and allowing yourself to be fully and truly loved.


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