Recap Alaska. Many beautiful things, both of nature and of humans.

Many of you have been asking what all I did in Alaska, and my response is typically "What DIDN'T I do??" Flight there:7 hours. Painfully long to sit still :( The guy I was sitting next to either didn't speak English or didn't like me..either way, he wouldn't talk to me! Day 1:Found a quaint coffee shop in Anchorage called Kaladi Brothers Coffee that was the best coffee I've ever had. I was then walking around by myself and I couldn't figure out why all the shops were closed. It was still light out, so I asked someone what time it was, and it was about midnight haha. Getting used to the long days was pretty challenging. Day 2:Went on a 5 hour train ride. Again, painfully long, but saw some BEAUTIFUL sights, including a sweet lady that I started talking to. Her name was Betty. She was retired from General motors and has been on about 15 cruises, and plans on traveling until she dies because "Life is too short to do anything other than wh...