Why trust?
As a student chaplain, I've been privileged to be able to have conversations with people that I wouldn't have otherwise. A common thread between all of these conversations is that of "I just don't trust people. It's easier that way." Every time I would hear this phrase or one that is similar, my heart ached. You see, whenever we accept the invitation to live within the reality of the Kingdom, we are now citizens of the Kingdom. As citizens of the Kingdom, we are now a part of the body of Christ. We are family. Your Kingdom family, perhaps unlike your earthly family, must be laced with trust. However, we live within terms of deep distrust because we claim that it's easier and it hurts less. I beg to differ. Whenever we dwell within distrust, we are intentionally separating ourselves from the love of the Father. Even greater harm is that this is what the enemy desires. He desires us to be as separate from love as can possibly be. Love is risky and m...