Are you ready?
I will not try to scare you into heaven, rather I want to propose some concepts as I tell you about the current state of my spiritual walk. Day after day, I would ask God to speak to me. I would ask for guidance, healing, wisdom, all the typical things for a young and hurting college student that is interning at a church. Day after day, I would walk away discouraged, as these prayer requests weren't being fulfilled. I was convinced that I just didn't have the gift of intercession and that somehow, my prayers weren't as valid as other peoples prayers. I listened to the lies that my voice wasn't one that God wanted to hear. I listened to the lies that I wouldn't be able to one day proclaim "I am healed!" I decided at the New year that I would try something new. I believe completely and totally that we are found by freedom as we surrender, however, the missing piece, was that our obedience should follow suit. I committed to waking up at 445 monday-friday ...