Are you ready?

I will not try to scare you into heaven, rather I want to propose some concepts as I tell you about the current state of my spiritual walk.

Day after day, I would ask God to speak to me. I would ask for guidance, healing, wisdom, all the typical things for a young and hurting college student that is interning at a church. Day after day, I would walk away discouraged, as these prayer requests weren't being fulfilled. I was convinced that I just didn't have the gift of intercession and that somehow, my prayers weren't as valid as other peoples prayers. I listened to the lies that my voice wasn't one that God wanted to hear. I listened to the lies that I wouldn't be able to one day proclaim "I am healed!"

I decided at the New year that I would try something new. I believe completely and totally that we are found by freedom as we surrender, however, the missing piece, was that our obedience should follow suit. I committed to waking up at 445 monday-friday to pray and be in the Word. I knew that would be the only time of day where no one else would be awake, distractions would be very limited, and it would be quiet.

Ahh, the quiet.

You see, the still small whisper/roar of the Lord is one that requires stillness at times. In a society where "busy" is becoming a personality trait that is replacing "well" or "good" or "great" (For example: How are you? I'm busy.)

So at 445, especially in college dorms, noise and "busyness" wouldn't be an issue. I committed to dedicating that time strictly to prayer and being in the Word.

The sermon series that Living Hope began a couple of days after the initial commitment is titled "Putting Our Shoes On" I have been beyond challenged by this series. The words that God speaks to us/impresses upon our hearts are POWERFUL. Have you ever stopped to think about that? The Creator of Heaven and Earth has something He wants to speak directly to YOU. We must be prepared! Before you can run outside, you must put your shoes on for the best results! For clear discernment of His words to you, you must be in the Word and pray to prepare for the most gentle and humble, yet powerful voice! And not prayer where you're rambling on and on, rather the prayer where you sit in the quiet and just be in His presence. Have you ever tried that? Or have you adopted this new personality trait of "busy"?

I want to propose this idea that before you allow yourself to grow discouraged, challenge yourself to prepare for the beautiful words He has for you.


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