Here I am.

Well, here I am. I just completed my last final in high school. The moment that I've been working up to for 15 years now (I went to 2 years of preschool.) is here, and I'm sitting here in disbelief that it's actually happening. The feeling is surreal. Honestly, I'm just sitting here thinking that I'm going to wake up and do this whole "school thing" again tomorrow. I think what makes this so bittersweet is that anything that you spend time on, you value. 15 years is a pretty large chunk of time.

Senior year was the BEST year of my life. Just to recap: I started out the summer before senior year deciding that I would no longer drink because we had just gotten a new soccer coach that was STRICT on alcohol. So, I stopped drinking, which proved to be a very difficult battle, but it was a war worth waging. As senior year underwent, I was blessed with an amazing second family that truly turned my life around. I had intended on either graduating early or dropping out by the time semester ended, but this family forced me to open my eyes and value life in every which way. I was honored to be able to be the head captain over FSHS JV 2013 soccer team. While soccer brought many challenges of its own (such as a pulled groin muscle, injured achilles, grade 3 concussion, injured MCL, among many other things..) it was a defining moment for me as a leader. While I am not taking soccer to college like I had intended due to injuries, I'm grateful for the time I had to play.

Time goes on, and I decided that it was time that I begin to treat my body as a I began a weight loss journey, that is still ongoing. Forensics season happened, I gained a family. The forensics room became my second home. Literally, my second home. I would come in after work and stay until 9 at night at times to work on forensics or other homework. I had great success this season, being ranked 9th in the sek for congress, 6th for duo, 5th for original oration, and then I tied for state champion in original oration. I gained so much more from forensics than just medals. It taught me to

I was able to be on the cast of "Bang Bang! You're dead." Although the morning practices seemed to be happening earlier and earlier each time, I loved it. I loved being on stage with talented people that I loved.

Prom this year was actually a TON of fun. These past 2 years, I haven't really enjoyed all, honestly. I loved it this year, however.

I've made leaps and bounds with relationships that were previously broken. I have begun the adolescent journey of truly finding myself. I have decided that I'm worth more than I ever thought before. I have decided that these past 4 years of high school were truly preparing me for something more.
I've loved high school. I thank the people that have been there for me, through it all. Through losing multiple friends to death, through all the trials and triumphs. Through the laughter and the tears. I accepted Christ into my heart in high school.

I'm sad it's over, but I'm glad it has happened. I will use the tools it has shown me for the Greater Good in this world. Although I will have many homes in missions over the next 60 years, my heart will always be here.

Thank you to everyone for your support, and for those that are sad right now, cheer up! I'm so excited for life. I thank you for all the kind words that have been said. "Words are, of course, the most powerful  weapons used by mankind."-Rudyard Kipling
Your words motivated me.


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