Life; it happens.

Life can, and does, happen in a flash. You can wake up one morning in a beautiful state, working the dream job that you've been praying for since you received a calling into youth ministry missions when you were 16, and by the end of the night, you're booking your flight home due to health concerns. The weeks to come, you suffer from extensive physical and emotional pain, constantly questioning why God would make such an amazing thing happen only to have it taken away so quickly. You wonder why you went through such trouble to get to such a trip, to have something so simple make it be done. In the days and weeks to come, you question everything. Well, mostly everything. The one "thing" that you literally CANNOT question because it keeps getting shoved in your face every waking moment is God's love for you. I'm going to quit talking in third person now. If you're close with me at all, you know how much I was looking forward to this trip. You know ...