"The potential of the body of Christ is so much greater than is being fulfilled right now." Was a phrase I found myself journaling today after an extensive conversation on practical theology with a dear, respected friend.
I fear the Church has found itself dwelling within an existence in which the security is found within the programs, overly-packed schedules, and an impressively worn-out pastoral staff. Of course, we would never admit such. We may not even know we do such things, as we do so with the best intentions; to meet everyone we can where they're at. To reach out to our community. To make sure everyone has a seat at the Table. And the list goes on.
I can respect this.
I do respect this.
Genuinely, if it weren't for a "program" at the place I claim as my first church home, I wouldn't be here.
However, the program didn't save me.
Every Wednesday night at 7 PM with a bunch of other teens didn't save me.
The mission trips, church camps, retreats, athletic tournaments, goofy games, and fun announcements didn't save me.
Friends, what saves us?
Jesus says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through the programs and schedules."
"No one comes to the Father except through me."
What saves us is Jesus.
Our job, our role, our honor and privilege as followers of Christ is to be still in order to hear the still small voice.
Can we rest?
Can we rest and wait to hear the voice that speaks Truth? Can we wait to hear the voice that speaks conviction and challenge, and then move? Can we respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit, rather than expect the Father to react to our movement? Who is the lead?
Know that I'm writing this after an extensive period of prayer in which I was so convicted about my lack of devotion to getting to know the Father better.
I realize it sounds like I'm dogging on the programs. Please believe me when I say, I'm not. As a youth pastor in training, I'm all for it.
However, I know how easy it is to seek out a calendar that is packed with events before seeking the heart of the Father.
I beg of you, sit down and pray. Ask the Father to show you who is the lead, as if it were a dance. If He reveals that you are leading, pray further. Seek wise council.
More than anything, be still. Be still, and then respond to His lead. Don't ask Him to react to you.
**I recognize this is rather jumbled. If this topic is something that is resonating with you and you want to talk further, let's get coffee. If you have a problem with what is said in here, the offer for coffee is still available. Please, let's do this all together.
With nothing other than love and genuine care,
I fear the Church has found itself dwelling within an existence in which the security is found within the programs, overly-packed schedules, and an impressively worn-out pastoral staff. Of course, we would never admit such. We may not even know we do such things, as we do so with the best intentions; to meet everyone we can where they're at. To reach out to our community. To make sure everyone has a seat at the Table. And the list goes on.
I can respect this.
I do respect this.
Genuinely, if it weren't for a "program" at the place I claim as my first church home, I wouldn't be here.
However, the program didn't save me.
Every Wednesday night at 7 PM with a bunch of other teens didn't save me.
The mission trips, church camps, retreats, athletic tournaments, goofy games, and fun announcements didn't save me.
Friends, what saves us?
Jesus says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through the programs and schedules."
"No one comes to the Father except through me."
What saves us is Jesus.
Our job, our role, our honor and privilege as followers of Christ is to be still in order to hear the still small voice.
Can we rest?
Can we rest and wait to hear the voice that speaks Truth? Can we wait to hear the voice that speaks conviction and challenge, and then move? Can we respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit, rather than expect the Father to react to our movement? Who is the lead?
Know that I'm writing this after an extensive period of prayer in which I was so convicted about my lack of devotion to getting to know the Father better.
I realize it sounds like I'm dogging on the programs. Please believe me when I say, I'm not. As a youth pastor in training, I'm all for it.
However, I know how easy it is to seek out a calendar that is packed with events before seeking the heart of the Father.
I beg of you, sit down and pray. Ask the Father to show you who is the lead, as if it were a dance. If He reveals that you are leading, pray further. Seek wise council.
More than anything, be still. Be still, and then respond to His lead. Don't ask Him to react to you.
**I recognize this is rather jumbled. If this topic is something that is resonating with you and you want to talk further, let's get coffee. If you have a problem with what is said in here, the offer for coffee is still available. Please, let's do this all together.
With nothing other than love and genuine care,
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