Off to the race/ / Stay for the dance
The overcoming nature of the Holy Trinity is one that has manifested themselves to be an
example, reconciler, and healer to humankind; the humankind that so often exemplifies and
manifests itself into a nature toward compartmentalism, division, and complete ownership of
a particular item rather than complete ownership of a relationship. This is the humankind that
will do anything to be/have/do the best at everything. The common image of humanity is
waking up before any lights in the city are turned on to go into work to start the day before
anyone else can. The formula in the brain is that of human initiation, then God kinda sorta just
steps in on occasion. Rather, the reality of the Holy Trinity, is that the Trinity initiates the
dance, and we respond. No matter how early we rise or what we own, the Trinity will always
initiate the dance, because the Trinity IS the dance! This Holy cadence is the delight of
conversion. In the formation of conversion, the tendency is to be dependent on the highly
emotional, one time experience that proclaims the highs of Christianity. (Please hear, I am not
at all downplaying conversion/highly emotional experiences. I cherish them. This writing is
focused on the foundation.) However, if we adjust our focus back to scripture, we see that
around 70% of the Psalms are laments, and they are our laments to God. Each time that
emotionally charged experience is made the foundation of our dance, we will be out of step,
out of rhythm, because it wasn’t designed as such. The scriptural foundation is one that points
receptive and open hearts to truth, each and every time. The participation in the cadence on
behalf of humankind is so eloquently summed up, “Conversion is an act of the will, in words;
but it is not, in the end, a human achievement.” The thing about this dance, is that it doesn’t
cease as soon as it is initiated. Rather, it is an ongoing process and formation into holy,
Christlike disciples. This process of making disciples is, just like conversion, not a one time
event. “If we are not good at making disciples, we are not good at making converts! Mature
disciples are the fruit of thorough and authentic conversions.”
example, reconciler, and healer to humankind; the humankind that so often exemplifies and
manifests itself into a nature toward compartmentalism, division, and complete ownership of
a particular item rather than complete ownership of a relationship. This is the humankind that
will do anything to be/have/do the best at everything. The common image of humanity is
waking up before any lights in the city are turned on to go into work to start the day before
anyone else can. The formula in the brain is that of human initiation, then God kinda sorta just
steps in on occasion. Rather, the reality of the Holy Trinity, is that the Trinity initiates the
dance, and we respond. No matter how early we rise or what we own, the Trinity will always
initiate the dance, because the Trinity IS the dance! This Holy cadence is the delight of
conversion. In the formation of conversion, the tendency is to be dependent on the highly
emotional, one time experience that proclaims the highs of Christianity. (Please hear, I am not
at all downplaying conversion/highly emotional experiences. I cherish them. This writing is
focused on the foundation.) However, if we adjust our focus back to scripture, we see that
around 70% of the Psalms are laments, and they are our laments to God. Each time that
emotionally charged experience is made the foundation of our dance, we will be out of step,
out of rhythm, because it wasn’t designed as such. The scriptural foundation is one that points
receptive and open hearts to truth, each and every time. The participation in the cadence on
behalf of humankind is so eloquently summed up, “Conversion is an act of the will, in words;
but it is not, in the end, a human achievement.” The thing about this dance, is that it doesn’t
cease as soon as it is initiated. Rather, it is an ongoing process and formation into holy,
Christlike disciples. This process of making disciples is, just like conversion, not a one time
event. “If we are not good at making disciples, we are not good at making converts! Mature
disciples are the fruit of thorough and authentic conversions.”
Humanity awakens early, attempting to beat anyone else to the beginning of insert-whatever-
accomplishment here. Perhaps, however, the true beauty is in the sun rising, ushering us into
what has already been done during the night, and inviting us into the beauty of light.
accomplishment here. Perhaps, however, the true beauty is in the sun rising, ushering us into
what has already been done during the night, and inviting us into the beauty of light.
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