What happens when you run.

Let us run with endurance....”

Lungs bursting. Legs on fire. Anger and hatred are overtaken by joy and love. That's right, you're running. You're running HARD. What happens when you run? Well, obviously what I just listed, but some other stuff. Let's just do a quick rundown (get it, RUNdown? Alright...no more.) of everything.
First off, the overall start is difficult. Make an overall, realistic goal. Such as a 5K within 3 months. Maybe make your overall goal a half marathon within two years, and work up to it.

Next, making yourself get into your running clothes, and get yourself to your road (or treadmill) is flat out difficult!! For me, if I'm having a difficult time with motivation, I try to not take much time to stretch, otherwise the run won't happen, because I'll just sit there and think about it rather than taking action. So, you begin running for the first time. You learn some stuff along the way, such as what length of shorts you like running in, you learn that compression shorts are rather heavenly. You find that you stop caring about what people think about your low cut cut-off shirt. You learn little things such as that along the way. Anyways, you're about a month into running, you're upping the mileage here and there, you're doing GREAT!! Let's go a little deeper, and look at the run specifically; once you get yourself motivated and going, the run feels AMAZING. If you're anything like me, you have an INCREDIBLY strong start! The other day, I was running time trials for my mile time, and the first half mile was at 3:45. Now I know for all you runners out there that have been running for awhile, you're like “Psh! Amateur.” but dang it, for my pudgy self, that's dang good! So anyways, super strong start! You feel AMAZING at the beginning of your run! You experience this odd joy during it that can only be explained such as this; If you're a female, you feel like Matthew McConahottie is carrying you along the clouds of heaven above! If you're a male...uhh..Jennifer Aniston is a mermaid toting you through the ocean?? You get the point. Anyways, after you hit a certain distance, you begin to grow weaker. You hit the “runners block.” It's terrible. As of right now, mine is half mile. First half mile, like I said, is really strong. After that, I have to make the conscious choice and effort to continue. Whatever distance is your runners block, you have to decide. Will you push through and find what you're TRULY capable of, or will you go ahead and walk back home? (It's alright to walk if you need to. Only when you need to.) Stick with running, make that conscious choice every single day, and you WILL grow stronger. You'll find that the distance that gave you so much trouble before becomes easier and easier. Your times are improving. Your “carried across clouds” feeling lasts for more of the run. As you grow stronger, you need to change things up here and there. Up your mileage. Do some sprints (speed days rather than distance.) Do hills/stadium stairs. I know, it sounds brutal, but it is strengthening you and preparing you for something more. I won't lie. While the cloud feeling is amazing, there are times when it hurts. Bad. You will wake up to random charlie horses that make you scream. Your body begins to ache. Keep pushing! Keep fighting! You've come so far already. You will NEVER regret that workout and pushing yourself. You will, however, regret walking because you were a little winded or because you just weren't motivated, or just flat out giving up.

You're amazing. Obviously you're amazing if you've read this post up until this point, I know my writing isn't the easiest to read.

Brain bursting. Heart's on fire. Anger and hatred are overtaken by joy and love. That's right, you're a follower of Christ. (Stay with me just a little longer. This will make sense.)

The start is difficult. I mean, you have to NOT ONLY believe in an omniscient creator, but you also have to have fellowship with all those hypocrites? Yeah. That's rough. You just..do it. Just like running, if you “take too long to stretch”, it makes it more difficult to do it. JUMP IN. Take action! Love is not passive. You finally give yourself over to Christ and His will. Make some goals. (Matthew 5:12a-Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven.
You learn some stuff along the way. You learn that you don't have to say “God Bless you” to everyone you come into contact with. You learn that you actually do NOT have to be perfect in public, contrary to popular belief. You find that you enjoy doing small things, such as just staring at the sunset in awestruck admiration.

You start out REALLY strong, after you actually get started. You're praying constantly, into scripture, Christian music is your JAM! I'm talking like windows down, sunroof open, you're cruising along to Casting Crowns..awhh yeah! You experience this odd joy that can only be explained as if you're being carried across a cloud by Jesus himself (haha..get it? Alright...I'm done for real this time.) It feels awesome. Just like that 3:45 half mile. Then...you hit the emotional block. You're no longer on the cloud 9, post-mission trip high feeling. At which point, you make a choice. Will I continue to love and follow Jesus with my whole being, or is this it? Will I just stay at surface level and never actually grow stronger? Will you find the true Jesus, or is this it?? Will you seek after all God has for you? If you answered “I want more”, you know what comes next. Challenge yourself. Challenge yourself to open up to some trusted, strong Christians in your life. Challenge yourself by doing some sort of bible challenge. As for myself, I read the bible in 75 days. Challenge yourself to memorize scripture, to go into deep prayer everyday, to love everyone you come into contact with, along with loving yourself, as much as Jesus does. I won't lie to you, it's rough at times. There are times where you will look up to the sky, and, if you're anything like me, you'll just start screaming. You will cuss out God. There are times when it is difficult. However, in those difficulties is when you will grow. Whenever something challenges you, it changes you. Be honest with God, at all times. You will never regret walking in stride with Christ, following Him, and letting Him carry you. You will, however, regret going your own defiant way.

Christ is amazing. You are amazing. You were made for Him!!

.....the race God has set before us.”


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